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A mudança de SEO do Google foi um golpe duro. Cá está o que mudou. (Atualização principal de dezembro de 2020) - Divulgando Buscadores noticias e artigos

A mudança de SEO do Google foi um golpe duro. Cá está o que mudou. (Atualização principal de dezembro de 2020)

A atualização básica de dezembro de 2020 do Google mudou drasticamente o que os blogueiros estão tendo sucesso no Google e quais não estão. Neste vídeo, explicamos o que mudou e porquê essas mudanças impactaram os editores de sites independentes.

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Quando você estiver pronto para iniciar seu negócio para obter renda online, confira o Projeto 24, nosso programa de associação que ensina porquê trabalhar para substituir sua renda atual por renda de sites e canais do YouTube em muro de 24 meses. Confira cá:

Verifique também nosso estúpido e louco tema funcional para WordPress, Feito.

O Projeto 24 é um resultado da Income School LLC. Os resultados mencionados não são típicos. A marca “Projeto 24” se refere ao objetivo de algumas pessoas de fabricar um negócio de sucesso em 24 meses, mas não é uma promessa ou garantia desse sucesso. Muitos negócios online falham porque, porquê qualquer negócio, exige muito trabalho, habilidade e dedicação. Antes de tomar decisões de negócios, consulte profissionais financeiros e jurídicos licenciados em sua jurisdição.

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  1. Everyone here are slaves to google. Google controls every single person, one small change to an algorithm and you are wrecked, certainly does not look good for business opportunities when you are so reliant on an algorithm….

  2. Lol All this talk of Thai curry makes me think you should get rid of pizza day and make it Thai Curry day. (Or maybe add Thai Curry day!)

  3. There's nothing special about these simpleton algorithms… I could probably refine search parameters better myself in about five minutes of coding…

  4. Its risky to rely in a single source of traffic 😥
    btw, I love that chair. Men in Black style.

  5. Google stealing our traffic slowly with updates taking SERPs results, People also asked, etc. They're pushing the business sites on the first page with Google ads. Very disappointing!

  6. Was there ever an update to this video? I thought he said an update would be released on Tuesday after filming but I don’t see it on the channel.

  7. Interesting video but I think the idea of treating food like a joke is in really poor taste. Much better to offer the equivalent number of meals to people in need, especially given we are in the middle of a global pandemic.

  8. I’m a project 24 member and purchased your special theme. I am also in the aquarium nieche. Have been for a few years now. A little disheartening to see now that my competition is my teacher.

  9. So awesome I found this channel. I make content like this too and your stuff is on point, great work!

  10. Thanks for the update. Adding one more data point, I run a newer blog (<3 years old) that was steadily gaining traffic and running at ~15k to 18k pageviews per month. In December our daily traffic tripled (+300%) on December 3rd. We had no idea what happened, but this helps solve that mystery. Thanks!

  11. whats the best SEO strategy for a news blog? All the videos on the net for SEO are how to and help blogs but none for news..

  12. Signed up! You guys really need a CTA button at the bottom of the sign-up page, the only one I could see was at the top.

  13. My site was hit significantly downward after an update in May then traffic went back up (but not as much) after the December update. [Edit: after watching the whole video let me add that my site would be considered "large" but I still do most of the content myself.]

  14. This just goes to show you it doesn't matter whether you build links or not, your site can tank no matter what. Building links will speed the ranking process up exponentially. I will always build links because my time is valuable.

  15. Never swallowed the idea of outsourcing my articles because their voice will never represent me and i dont want waist my time editing it.
    I am working on my blog and on my way to publish 150 articles the 1 year plan you suggested.

    Thanks for the update news

  16. I have noticed my YouTube views suddenly decrease by half, could this be to do with the google changes?

  17. Great video, please keep on!
    Is it in any way possible to take the challenge as a german writing blogger?

  18. Congrats, BTW – – shows "Hi my name is Jordan" and on the right shows About the Author Ricky…

  19. I bought a website for 19k 2 months ago. It took me blood and tears. Its rankings were mostly in top 2 for months., earning 1500 Usd a month. After the Google update it lost 70pc of traffic and makes 7 usd a day. Thanks Google.

  20. This update hit my website real bad on the 8th. Had a couple pages that dropped up to 11 spots. Today I woke up to a couple extra top 5 spots.

  21. A really interesting and informative video. Even as someone that has a tiny channel I felt that my figures had gone up a little bit. Thanks

  22. I've got roughly a 30% boost on my website. Although I only get about 2k monthly users, might not be the most reliable statistics

  23. To be blunt, I got a few views before this update, same thing for this update or probably less I can't really tell since it is so low… le shrug (I'm only at 6 subs anyways so not too huge a deal)

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