O velho debate, Bing vs Google para SEO. Neste vídeo, John Lincoln cobre o histórico do mecanismo de pesquisa do Bing, o que é generalidade entre o Bing e o Google e o que é dissemelhante entre o Bing SEO e o Google SEO.
Guia para Bing WMT
Guia para Bing WMT
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thank you over the Bing info. I hope for much more about Bing like algorithms and SEO.
I found your podcast … now I can listen to you in the move. Great content 😎😎😎
Excellent presentation. 💯👍
I see why Bing was so much better to use during my college years.
Is this still relevant in 2019 for bing?
Bing Verse Google
This is really helpful. I have a client that is dominating Google, but still on page 3 with Bing & Yahoo. His clients are often older, so they likely use the default search engine on their computer which is often one of those two things. (I wonder what your view retention looked like in those first 20 seconds? That intro is abnormally long for this type of video).
Do I set up the bing webmaster tools before or after I launch my website
Yeah, I am primarily using Bing first, if need anything more then I look into Google.
Why does Yahoo want Bing to power it's search
I am doing well in Bing,Yahoo…but not getting much attention on Google yet.